Fund: Dr. Kris Nicholls Secondary Bilingual Authorization (BILA) Endowed Scholarship Fund Department: SOE Dean's Office Dept D01000 Purpose: Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support Fund Pupose: This Fund shall be used to provide student support for students who wish to become educators in dual immersion classrooms at the secondary level. Criteria and Selection Process: The Fund will award scholarships to students pursuing a single subject credential with Bilingual Authorization at the UC Riverside School of Education. The recipient(s) will be selected by a committee chosen by the Dean of the School of Education or their designee. Preference will be given to students pursuing a single subject credential focusing on a discipline needed by local school districts for their secondary dual language programs.In years when there is no candidate who meets the criteria, awards will be held until the following year. BACKGROUND: The Dr. Kris Nicholls Secondary Bilingual Authorization (BILA) Endowed Scholarship Fund originated from Dr. Nicholls’ work and interest in supporting the continued expansion of elementary dual language programs to secondary across the United States. Recognizing the difficulty that many secondary dual language programs have in securing highly qualified secondary teachers with a BILA to teach in their secondary dual language program, Dr. Nicholls is supporting this scholarship to encourage secondary credential candidates who are bilingual and biliterate to earn their BILA and teach in a secondary dual language program in the Inland Empire, where she lives, has taught, and has spent her career supporting both elementary and secondary dual language programs and preparing highly qualified bilingual and biliterate teachers to teach in them.