
Dr. Noel J. Chrisman Fund for Experiential Learning in Anthropology


Anthropology Dept D01025


Undergraduate Student Support

This fund shall be used to provide student support for a special experience for an undergraduate student in Anthropology.

Eff: 02/28/2022 - True endowment converted from endowment intent #6I0061.

Dr. Noel J. Chrisman'62 is a Professor Emeritus in the School of Nursing at the University of Washington. Dr. Chrisman is an anthropologist specializing in applied, medical, and urban anthropology. He is Past President of the Society for Applied Anthropology and the past chair of the American Anthropological Association/Society for Applied Anthropology Commission on Applied and Practicing Anthropology. Dr. Chrisman earned his B.A in anthropology from UC Riverside and a PhD in anthropology from UC Berkeley. Before joining the University of Washington's School of Nursing in 1973, Dr. Chrsiman taught at Pomona College.

General Purpose:
This Fund shall be used provide student support for special experience for an undergraduate student in Anthropology.

Criteria and Selection Process:
At the direction of the Chair of the Department of Anthropology, the expendable distribution from this endowment shall provide support to an undergraduate student seeking to further their learning with a special experience in Anthropology such as funding to attend a regional or national anthropology meeting, attend a summer research or educational opportunity, attend a lecture or cultural event.

The recipient(s) shall be selected through a process established by the Chair of the Department of Anthropology. The application and selection process may be modified by future directors, or designees. In years when there is no candidate who meets the criteria, awards will be held until the following year.