Fund: CABE Riverside, Jezik and Venegas Future Bilingual Educators Scholarship Endowed Fund Department: SOE Dean's Office Dept D01000 Purpose: Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support Fund Purpose: This Fund shall be used to support Riverside County’s future bilingual educators. This scholarship is intended to honor the power of mentorship and promote the region’s future bilingual educators. BACKGROUND: The scholarship was spearheaded by School of Education alum Brenda Angulo ‘14, and Dr. Renae Bryant ‘99. They established a destined mentorship during their terms as CABE Riverside Chapter Executive Board Members in 2018. Their commitment to the CABE Riverside Chapter’s mission to promote bilingual education galvanized their efforts to recognize their UCR SOE bilingual supervisors: Mrs. Lilian Jezik and Dr. Yolanda Venegas, who are also fellow CABE representatives themselves, through the establishment of the Fund. General Purpose This scholarship is intended to honor the power of mentorship and promote the region’s future bilingual educators. This Fund shall be used to support Riverside County’s future bilingual educators. Criteria and Selection Process The Fund will award a minimum of a $1,000 scholarship (each, a "Scholarship"), to students who satisfy the following criteria at the time of application and award of the scholarship: (i) are enrolled in the School of Education teacher education program and in good standing; (ii) have completed at least one quarter of their School of Education teacher credential program; (iii) are actively pursuing a bilingual authorization/certification, including having successfully completing the language development course or otherwise demonstrated an aptitude for bilingual education; (iv) are graduates from a Riverside County high school; (v) have, based on the information provided in their applications, demonstrated a commitment to bilingual education; and (vi) seek to teach in the Riverside County area. Scholarship applications will be solicited by the School of Education and reviewed by the Director of Teacher Education in collaboration with the School of Education scholarship committee. A CABE Riverside representative may sit on the scholarship committee, if available, in an advisory capacity only and will not be involved in the selection process. In years when there is no candidate who meets the criteria, awards will be held until the following year.