
Stephen E. Cullenberg Endowed Scholarship in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Fund


CHASS Dean's Office Dept D01008


Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support

Fund Purpose: This Fund shall be used to provide student support to undergraduate or graduate students in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences.

Stephen Cullenberg was a true intellectual and loved to engage in political and philosophical
debate, something that started at his childhood family dinner table and grew to define him. In
1988 Steve was appointed an assistant professor of Economics at UCR. He rose to be chair of
the Economics Department and for a few years also served simultaneously as chair of the
Department of Physical Education, rarely missing a game of the UCR women’s basketball team.
In 1998 he was awarded UCR’s Distinguished Teaching Award. In 2006, Steve became Dean of
the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, UCR’s largest college, leading over 300
faculty members in 20 departments. In that role, he materialized the efforts at UCR to embrace a
new multi-cultural, interdisciplinary path, embracing California’s diversity and simultaneously,
the multiple voices of subaltern and excluded people, scholars, visions that Riverside could –
with the right leadership – affirm. And he was that leader. The consequences were foundational
for UCR’s leap into its future. So many liberated voices found their way, thanks to the hiring he
enabled and the committees he convened during his nine years as Dean. Steve was passionate
and committed to working to widen the boundaries of brave speech and thinking.

General Purpose
This Fund shall be used to provide student support to undergraduate or graduate students in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences.

Criteria and Selection Process
Under the direction of the Dean in CHASS, or their designee, this Endowed Fund shall be used to support undergraduate or graduate students in the Humanities, Arts, or Social Sciences.

The Dean in CHASS, or their designee, may appoint a committee to review and select recipients from the pool of eligible candidates.

Student must be majoring or pursuing an advanced degree in a discipline offered by CHASS.

It is the donors’ desire that first generation college students be given priority in the selection process.

It is also the donors’ desire that students with financial need will be given priority in the selection process.

Donors prefer that the Fund provide as many annual scholarships as possible as long as the amounts are $1,500 or more.

In years when there is no candidate who meets the criteria, awards will be held until the following year.