Fund: Campbell Graduate Student Dissertation Support Endowed Fund in CHASS Department: CHASS Dean's Office Dept D01008 Purpose: Graduate Student Support Fund Purpose: This fund shall be used to alleviate the financial burden on doctoral degree students whose final obstacle to degree completion is the writing of their dissertation. Full fund name: Campbell Graduate Student Dissertation Support Endowed Fund in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Former placeholder fund # 6H0011 BACKGROUND UC Riverside Foundation Trustees Rochelle Campbell and Allison Campbell seek to support graduate students in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences enrolled at UC Riverside and provide the extra means and support programs to ensure their success. Rochelle Campbell, who earned her bachelor’s degree at Cal State University Northridge and her master’s degree from the University of Redlands, was an adult school counselor in the San Bernardino City Unified School District for 30 years. Allison Campbell, daughter of Neil (’75 PhD biology) and Rochelle Campbell, earned her bachelor’s degree from Vassar College and master’s degrees from Columbia University and New York University, and works at the Washington State Historical Society. General Purpose This Fund shall be used to alleviate the financial burden on doctoral degree students whose final obstacle to degree completion is the writing of their dissertation. Criteria and Selection Process This Fund shall provide student financial aid (grants) to support doctoral degree students in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. The dean or his/her designate shall oversee the selection of student recipients based on the following criteria: - Doctoral degree students in any major or program within the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences - Students who are in the final phases of degree completion - Students whose financial need is an obstacle to completing the writing of their dissertation The dollar amount of student grants shall be determined by the College. Multiple distributions may be made each year.