Fund: Mike Miller Legacy Endowed Student Scholarship Fund Department: Undergrad Student Financial Aid D02089 Purpose: Undergraduate Student Support Background: Mike Miller was a pillar at UCR for almost two and half decades. His passion and enthusiasm for the UCR campus knew no bounds and left a mark on the campus by his commitment to quality support and service. Mike came to UCR in 1987 as a temporary pipefitter in the UCR steam plant on campus. He was overly qualified but always believed that if you put forth hard work and managed the job correctly, the right people would take notice and the right opportunity for advancement would present itself. Mike was offered a position as superintendent in the maintenance shops. He was then named Director of Physical Plant in 1998, appointed Assistant Vice Chancellor in 2001, and Associate Vice Chancellor in 2009. During his 27 years at UCR, Mike helped coordinate innumerable Commencement exercises, promoted and deployed many initiatives supporting UCR's sustainability goals, negotiated "best-of-UC" energy agreements, transformed the organizations reporting to him through several budget downturns, and perhaps most importantly, kept UCR beautiful. Mike retired from UCR in June 2014. Mike passed away on July 24, 2018 and is survived by his elementary school sweetheart, Susan. Criteria & Selection Process (Eff. 10/20/2021): The award shall be used to support undergraduate first-year or transfer students who are middle-income with high academic standing. Preference should go to students whose parents have been, or are currently, employed by UCR to maintain or develop the physical campus, including the following functions and related jobs: grounds, maintenance, facilities management, custodial services, and skilled trades. When there is no student who meets the primary preference above, the scholarship should support a middle-income transfer student from Riverside Community College District (RCCD), followed by a third preference for supporting any first-year middle-income student of high academic standing. The scholarship can be awarded to the same recipient multiple years in a row for up to four years if they remain in good academic standing. Award(s) will be processed by the Office of Financial Aid. All preferences should be exhausted first, but in years where there is no candidate who meets the criteria, awards will be held until the following year. Request for Information: Request Scholarship Information