Fund: Robert and Marilyn Masuoka Family Mechanical Engineering Scholarship Fund Department: Mechanical Engineering Dept D01006 Purpose: Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support Eff. 08/08/2019 the fund name was changed from: Robert and Marilyn Masuoka Family Endowed Student Award in Mechanical Engineering. Background: Robert and Marilyn Masuoka have long valued California public education. They and their children are shining examples of this system - and their daughter Miki is a UCR alumna. Their commitment and dedication to public education can also be seen through their longtime financial support of UC Riverside during the time their daughter was a student in the Department of Mechancial Engineering. As a further reflection of their values, and to further advance the academic quality, excellence and benefits of public education, Mr. and Mrs. Masuoka established an endowed fund with the UC Riverside Foundation. Purpose: This fund shall be used to provide financial assistance to undergraduate or graduate students studying mechanical engineering within the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Criteria and Selection: The Chair of the Department of Mechancial Engineering will select, on an annual basis, a recipient(s) of this award who meet the following critera:1.) students who are in good academic standing at UCR and 2.) demonstrate financial need. It is the donors' preference, though not a requirement, that the awards be given to female students. Request for Information: Roderick Smith Director of Student Affairs (951) 827-6380