
Richard and Jane Block Box Springs Mountain Endowed Student Research Fund


Ctr for Conservation Biology Dept D01235


Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support

In May 2012, Dr. and Mrs. Block established the Box Springs Mountain Student Research Fund that was renamed the Richard and Jane Block Box Springs Mountain Endowed Student Research Fund in 2017.

At the time of the establishment of the Box Spring Mountain Student Research Fund, the donors specifically intended that the fund would be augmented over time to the level of an endowment. With a recent gift of $3,000, that intent has been satisfied, and by this amendment the fund will be converted to a true endowment. In order to establish this endowment, the balance of the current restricted fund will be transferred to the new endowment fund, except $2,000 that is to be made available for the annual awards until the endowment has a distributable payout.

General Purpose:
The payout from the Fund shall be used to provide small research awards to one or more undergraduate or graduate students annualy, under the direction of the Center for Consevation Biology, for student research in the Box Springs Mountains and other Western Riverside County habitat conservation or open space lands.

Criteria and Selection Process:
The fund shall be used to provide small research awards to one or more undergraduate or graduate students annually, under the direction of the Center for Conservation Biology, for student research in the Box Springs Mountains and other Western Riverside County habitate conservation or open space lands.

Awards from this fund will be for the purpose outlined above, regardless of financial need, at the direction of a college committee on awards or their designees with the advice and cnsent of the Director of the Center for Conservation Biology or designees.

In years when there is no candidate who meets the criteria, awads will be held until the following year.

Request for Information: