Fund: Broadbent Endowed Fellowship in Anthropology Fund (Sylvia M.) Department: Anthropology Dept D01025 Purpose: Graduate Student Support History and Purpose: Professor Broadbent's areas of special interest are archaeology and ethnohistory of the Andean area, especially the Chibcha of Colombia; and North American Indians, especially California and the Desert West. She has also undertaken studies in descriptive and historical linguistics, especially American Indian languages and in language and culture, including relationships between linguistic findings and other kinds of anthropological research, and symbolism. Selected publications: Early Man in the Americas: The Southern Connection in Archaeology and Environment in Latin America (1992); Chibcha Textiles in the British Museum, Antiquity (1985); The Formation of Peasant Society in Central Columbia, Ethnohistory (1981); Conflict at Monterey: Indian Horse Raiding, 1820-1850, The Journal of California Anthropology (1974); A Prehistoric Field System in Chibcha Territory, Columbia, Nawpa Pacha, (1968); The Site of Chibcha Bogota, Nawpa Pacha (1966); and The Southern Sierra Miwok Language (1964). The fund shall be used to provide one or more annual fellowships in such amount(s) and upon such terms and conditions as may be determined appropriate by the faculty of the Department of Anthropology of the University of California at Riversidein compliance with university policies governing fellowships. Selection and Guidelines: When the fund balance reaches the minimum required to fund graduate fellowships, income of the fund will support one or more annual Fellowships in Anthropology. Request for Information: Lilia Liderbach-Vega Financial and Administrative Officer