
Vivian Eyman Memorial Award in Teacher Education Endowment Fund


SOE Dean's Office Dept D01000


Graduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

Vivian Eyman was a creative and inspirational elementary school teacher who spent her professional life in El Monte and Pomona, California. In 1991 Professor Emeritus Richard Eyman of UCR Graduate School of Education, established the Vivian Eyman Endowed Memorial Award in Teacher Education in memory of his wife. Each year at an awards ceremony close to graduation, the Eyman Award is given to the highest achieving and most promising individual completing GSOE's Teacher Education program. It is both an honor and provides financial support.

Selection and Guidelines:

Award to be administered by teacher education in the Graduate School of Education.

Request for Information:

No application is accepted for the fellowship/scholarship as students must be nominated by faculty. Questions: Teacher Education