Fund: Robin James McKeown Memorial Fellowship Endowed Fund Department: SOE Dean's Office Dept D01000 Purpose: Graduate Student Support History and Purpose: The Robin James Mc Keown Memorial Fellowship was established in 1995 in memory of an emeritus professor of the Graduate School of Education, following his death from cancer. Professor McKeown taught curriculum and instruction from 1968 to 1990. Although highly critical of American public education, Robin was deeply committed to the teaching profession and the teacher education program at UCR. A point he often made was that if we are to raise the standards of education in this country, we need to attract the best qualified individuals to teaching and prepare them superbly. Robin also cared deeply about the graduate degree programs offered by the School of Education. His commitment to standards and intellectual rigor is well known. He required the best of his students and was not satisfied until they could meet the challenge of his probing analysis, critical reflections, and questioning. Robin considered participation in professional organizations an essential part of graduate education. Specifically, he was steadfast in encouraging his students to present their research at the annual meetings' of the American Educational Research Association. This fund is designed to provide financial support to promising students entering UCR's teacher credential program, and to provide support to outstanding graduate students to present their research at the American Educational Research Association. Please note: This award alternates years between graduate students and teacher education students. Graduate students are awarded in the fall of odd numbered years and teacher education students are awarded in the fall of even numbered years. Selection and Guidelines: Students selected by the GSOE. Request for Information: No application is accepted for the fellowship/scholarship as students must be nominated by faculty. Questions: Teacher Education