
Steve and JoAnn Krynski Memorial Endowed Scholarship for the Fine and Performing Arts Fund


Alumni Engagement Dept D01187


Undergraduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

Jeff Krynski '81 is a proud UC Riverside alumnus and member of the UCR Alumni Association Board of Directors. He is the Governance Competency Leader for TPI's Human Resources Advisory Services practice. Jeff wishes to establish this fund to honor the memory of his parents, Steve and JoAnn Krynski, who made countless sacrifices to ensure that Jeff and his sister completed their educations. This fund is a fitting legacy to two devoted parents who were unflagging supporters of their children's educational, artistic and athletic endeavors. This Fund shall be used to provide undergraduate student support to undergraduate students in the fine and performing arts, including music, theatre, film, dance, art and art history.

Selection and Guidelines:

UCR students continuing after their freshman year going into their sophomore, junior, or senior year who are majoring in the disciplines in the fine or performing arts may apply for the award during the spring through the UCR Alumni Association. Students must reside in the Inland Empire (including the Coachella Valley), demonstrate financial need and have a minimum UCR GPA of 3.0 or greater. Preference will be given to students who attended a high school in the Inland Empire (including the Coachella Valley). Applicants shall submit an application in accordance with the UCR Alumni Association application process. In years when there is no candidate who meets the criteria, awards will be held until the following year.

Application and selection process by UCR Alumni Association. Qualified applicants will automatically receive a supplemental application from the Alumni Association in early winter quarter.

Please visit for more information on qualifications, applications, and deadlines.

Request for Information: