
Gref Family Endowed Fund for the Advancement of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics


COE Scholarships: Gifts: Endowments D02130


Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support

Lynn G. Gref, a first-generation college graduate, completed hi Baccalaureate (1963), Masters (1964), and Doctorate (1966) degrees in mathematics at the University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside). After a brief stint teaching at the University of Missouri, Dr. Gref went on to an accomplished career in industry. At R&D Associates, Dr. Gref served as lead investigator for the Director of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), providing landmark recommendations on the disposition of ARPANET, which eventually led to the Internet. Though Dr. Gref retired from Jet Propulsion Laboratory as a manager of non-NASA business, he continued to serve as a consultant. During his career, Dr. Gref also served on the Army Science Board (1993-2001); the U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense's (C3I) 2000 Joint Senior Advisory Group; Naval Studies Board Panels of the National Academy of Sciences (1993-1998); and the Speakers Bureau of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Affiliates. Capping off a career in STEM, Dr. Gref authored the book, The Rise and Fall of American Technology (2010), examining the role of technology in the U.S.'s rise to global dominance in the Twentieth Century.

Dr. Gref felt that his life was benefitted greatly from his education at UCR. In creating this Fund, he wished to repay his gratitude to the University at a time when the need is great. In addition, Dr. Gref recognizes the importance of STEM and STEM education to the U.S. economy and wishes to support our nation's competitiveness in the world. Because he believes that one's legacy belongs to the community and not only to one's family, he also established an estate gift to benefit this Fund in STEM.

Purpose and Use:
This Fund shall be used to support the advancement of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) at UC Riverside. Uses of the Fund may include, but are not limited to, support for:

1.) Units and/or programs within STEM,
2.) Initiatieves involving multiple disciplines within STEM,
3.) Research,
4.) Professors,
5.) Undergraduate scholarships or graduate fellowships, and
6.) Equipment, facilitiies, or other capital investments

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