
Charley Chen-Hui and Hsi-Mei Fang Award Endowed Fund


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Graduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

This award was endowed by Jamie C. Fang in honor of her parents, Charley Chen-Hui and Hsi-Mei Fang.

Jamie Fang is a CHASS graduate (Business Administration, 1990) and President of, an orchid retailer/wholesaler with a nursery in Montclair and a store in downtown Los Angeles.

Selection and Guidelines:

The Charley Chen-Hui and Hsi-Mei Fang Award provides graduate student support, at the direction of the Dean of The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management (AGSM), to international MBA candidates. It is the donor's preference that the students are from Taiwan.

Recipients can nominate themselves or be nominated by UCR faculty. The recipients must have completed a minimum of 32 hours towards their MBA and have contributed to UCR student life by actively serving for at least one quarter as an officer of the AGSM MBA Student Association or any registered student organization at UCR. Final selection will be determined by the AGSM scholarship committee.

Request for Information: