
Stolzy-Letey Endowment in Soil and Environmental Science


Environmental Sciences Dept D01053


Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

Professor Lewis Stolzy joined the UCLA Department of Irrigation and Soil Science in 1954. He transferred to the UCR Department of Soil and Plant Nutrition in 1958. He was known worldwide for his studies on the aeration and water usage of roots, which led to great advances in crop production. Co-author of 286 publications, Professor Stolzy mentored subsequent generations of soil physicists. A memorial fund was established for him upon his death in 1999.

John Letey, Jr. is Professor Emeritus of Soil Physics at UCR. He has authored or co-authored more than 300 technical publications concerning chemical, water, and gas movement through soil. On August 22, 2003, Dr. John Letey Jr. and Ardyth Stolzy, wife of the late Lewis Stolzy, combined the Letey Soil Environmental Fund to which he had contributed and the Lewis Stolzy Memorial Fund into the Stolzy-Letey Endowment in Soil and Environmental Science. The Stolzy-Letey Fund is used for the benefit and support of the students in the Department of Environmental Sciences, including travel for graduate students to professional soil science meetings.
At the discretion of the Chair of the Department of Environmental Sciences in consultation with John Letey when available, the funds shall be used for the benefit and support of the students in the Department, including travel for graduate students to professional soil science meetings.

Selection and Guidelines:
There is no application procedure for students. The Department Chair will notify award recipients.

Request for Information: