
Seymour and Wilma Van Gundy Endowed Undergraduate Research Fund


SAAIP Administration Unit D02136


Undergraduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

Seymour D. Van Gundy is a professor emeritus of nematology at UC Riverside. At UCR, Van Gundy has held the positions of assistant vice chancellor for research, dean of the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, associate dean of the Graduate Division, and professor and chair of the Department of Nematology.

He is a member of the Society of Nematologists; American Institute of Biological Sciences; American Association for the Advancement of Science; and the Organization of Tropical Nematologists.

Currently, Van Gundy, who joined UCR in 1957, is serving as chairman of the Planning Committee for the 100th Anniversary Celebration of UCR's Agricultural Experiment Station.

This fund will be used to support undergraduate research in the agricultural sciences.

Selection and Guidelines:

This fund will be used for student Undergraduate Research support

Request for Information: