Fund: Collette and Gary Lee Endowed Fund Department: BUS Infrast Admin Prgm Srv Sup D01039 Purpose: Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support History and Purpose: Collete and Gary Lee are abiding donors, volunteers and patrons of the University of California, Riverside. They understand the value of higher education as a means of change for the students who are the beneficiaries, as an engine that generates new knowledge, and as one of the pillars for the economic helath and development for the region. Collette and Gary Lee recognize the value of higher education and civic responsibility. Collette is the founder, owner, and broker of Tower Realty in Riverside and has served as a Trustee of the UC Riverside Foundation since 2002. She has been an active member of on many educational, cultural and community boards and organizations. Gary, a UCR alumnus, is a pediatric dentist with Dental Associates of Riverside and is a member of the UCR Botanic Gardens. Collette and Gary are honorees of UCR's Watkins Society, having included UCR in their estate plans. Their daughter received her BA degree from UCR. The Collette and Gary Lee Endowed Fund will provide financial support to students in the The A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management in accordance with established University policy and campus porgrams Selection and Guidelines: This fund will provide financial support to students in the A. Gary Anderson Graduate School of Management in accordance with established University policy and campus programs, at the direction of the AGSM Dean. The awards will be called the Collette and Gary Lee Student Awards. The distributable income from the Fund will support either graduate or undergraduate students at the direction of the Dean of School. The awards shall be called the Collete and Gary Lee Student Awards. Request for Information: Request Scholarship Information