
Dean Emerita Loda Mae Davis Endowed Scholarship Fund


Undergrad Student Financial Aid D02089


Undergraduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

In 1923, Ms. Loda Mae Davis graduated from UC Berkeley with honors in Commerce. She then received a Masters of Science in Business and a junior college credential in 1932. She did her graduate work in Psychology at Berkeley. Before coming to UCR, she traveled extensively in Western and Eastern Europe, including Russia and in parts of Asia and Panama. Returning to the U.S. before WWII, Davis worked for the Works Project Administration as well as other Administrations in the agricultural and international sectors.

In 1953, Davis arrived at UCR as the first Dean of Women. She also served as an Assistant Professor of Psychology until her retirement in 1964. The Dean Emerita Loda Mae Davis Endowed Scholarship Fund was established on February 9, 1982 through a bequest from her estate. It provides support to undergraduate students in any major, including fourth-year Biomed students.

Selection and Guidelines:

Undergraduate must have:
- minimum 3.5 GPA for freshman;
- minimum 3.25 GPA for upper classmen; and
- demonstrated financial need.

Request for Information: