Fund: Kaloostian & Shirinian Endowment for Disadvantaged Students Department: SOM Gifts Endow Schol Dept D02008 Purpose: Undergraduate Student Support Fund Purpose (eff. 12/15/18): To support disadvantaged students who are currently participating in one of the UC Riverside School of Medicine Pipeline Programs, have a Mission Fit (as defined by the UC Riverside School of Medicine), and are pursuing a medical education. History and Purpose: Dr. Aida Shirinian is a physician, pharmacist, and Trustee of the UC Riverside Foundation. Dr. William Kaloostian is a physician with Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles. They are parents of three outstanding UCR alumni. Drs. Shirinian and Kaloostian share a deep understanding of the need for physicians to practice in underserved communities, and a commitment to be of service to the many disadvantaged individuals and families of this region. To that end, the couple established the William Kaloostian and Aida Shirinian Endowment for Disadvantaged Students to help economically and educationally disadvantaged students, with a preference for Latino students, pursuing careers in medicine. Selection and Guidelines: Eligible students are selected by UCR School of Medicine (SOM) staff in charge of the FastStart Program, to identify and prioritize the neediest incoming freshman students applying to the FastStart Program. There is no application procedure for students. Personnel from the UCR SOM will notify award recipients. Request for Information: Request Scholarship Information