
Dean Irving H. Balow Fellowship Fund


SOE Dean's Office Dept D01000


Graduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

Dean Irving H. Balow Fellowship Fund - Established on May 5, 1980 by Dr. Irving Balow, Affiliates of UCR, and various donors, the Dean Irving H. Balow Fellowship Fund was named originally in memory of Joyce Balow to benefit female students in the Graduate School of Education. In October 1987, the fund was converted to an endowed fellowship and renamed to honor Dr. Balow, then Dean of the Graduate School of Education.

Selection and Guidelines:

Recipient must be a promising graduate student or credential student in the Graduate School of Education and engaged in student teaching during the year. Please note: This award alternates years between graduate students and teacher education students. Graduate students are awarded in the fall of odd numbered years and teacher education students are awarded in the fall of even numbered years.

Request for Information: