Fund: Katherine and Gilbert Mahaney Opportunity Fund Department: CHASS Dean's Office Dept D01008 Purpose: Undergraduate Student Support Background: Martha Gardill was a transfer student to UC Riverside in the late 1960's. She was an active student who thrived at UCR. She was in danger of not graduating at the end of her student career due to a financial burden. The Financial Aid Office was able to offer Martha a small scholarship that allowed her to complete her education and graduate on time. She has always remembered that support that allowed her to obtain her bachelor's degree and begin a fruitful career. Martha created the Katherine and Gilbert Mahaney Opportunity Fund in honor of her parents. With only 8th grade educations themselves, their unwavering focus for Martha to go to college and set her sights high enabled her to dream big and succeed. Martha Gardill wishes to assist academically excellent transfer students, who have financial need, to allow them to take advantage of opportunities when financial limits would otherwise be an obstacle, or to support them in their studies at UC Riverside when financial exigency threatens their ability to remain students. Purpose and Criteria: The fund shall be used to provide support to transfer students who have demonstrated academic excellence in studies within the college of humanities, arts, and social sciences (CHASS), with a specific focus on those students who have shown that due to a lack of funds, they are unable to pursue an education or are experiencing a financial obstacle that may interrupt their studies. The CHASS Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs will administer the fund in cooperation with the Financial Aid Office. Students may be nominated by faculty, staff, and academic advisors within CHASS. Individual award amounts will be determined based upon the length and complexity of the financial need but may not exceed $2,000. To be eligible for this award, a student must: 1.) Be a transfer student in a declared major in a CHASS academic unit, and be in good academic standing 2.) Submit a personal statement of 500-800 words describing the financial limitations they are experiencing and how they will utilize the award In years when no candidate meets the specified criteria, awards may be held until the following year. Request for Information: CHASS Associate Dean for Undergraduate Academic Affairs