
Leonard Family Foundation Fund for Support of the CNAS Freshman and Sophomore Scholars Summer


SAAIP Administration Unit D02136


Undergraduate Student Support

History and Purpose:
The John and Elizabeth Leonard Foundation has, as one of its primary missions, the promotion of education in mathematics and the sciences so that students may success in a technologically complex world. The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences at UC Riverside has created a program called "Enhancing Student Success in Science at UCR" which includes, as an integral element, a Freshman and Sophomore Scholars Summer Research 10-week program. Students who are selected for this program are awarded stipends in the amount of $5,000 each per year. Over a five-year evaluation metric, the combined CNAS first-year learning communities program and the adjunct freshman and sophomore scholars summer research experience has produced significant and immediate GPA and retention boosts along with phenomenal increases in 4- and 5-year graduation rates. The John and Elizabeth Leonard Foundation seeks to promote and extend this success by supporting an additional six summer stipends per year for five years.

Selection and Guidelines:
The College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences will administer these stipends. Criteria for the award include:
a. Enrollment in the CNAS Freshman and Sophomore Scholars Learning Community for the fall academic year
b. Good academic standing in a CNAS major
c. Cumulative GPA
d. Research plan narrative
e. Endorsement of the research plan and its supervision by a UCR faculty member.

The selection process is:
a. Applications distributed to CNAS Freshman and Sophomore Scholars Learning Community participants in late Winter.
b. Applications due early Spring.
c. Review of applicants by CNAS Divisional Deans and announcements of awards by Dean of the college in mid Spring.

Request for Information: