
UCR Statistical Consulting Collaboratory Fund


Statistics Dept D01058


Graduate Student Support

History and Purpose:
Per 04/18/06 set-up e-mail from UCR Statistical Consulting Collaboratory, fund is to be used for student stipends, conference related costs, posters and other marketing materials. mv 07/24/13


In the Statistics Department, in parallel with completion of the first operating year for the department's statistical consulting collaboratory, established an annual award for outstanding students who made excellent contributions for statistical consulting projects that were run in the collaboratory. The award is named OSCAR, for outstanding statistical consulting award, and is given in honor of emeritus Professor Roberty Bearer who established the early reputation for excellent consulting at UC Riverside.

Selection and Guidelines:

The Director of the Statistical Consulting Collaboratory, in consulatation with the Associate Director(s), will select all deserving students to receive an OSCAR award.

** Current purpose note as 10/29/13: To be used for students stipends and Outstanding Statistical Consulting Awards (OSCAR) to students who have shown work values that epitomize the mission of the Collaboratory, conference related costs, posteds and other marketing materials.

Request for Information:

Darrelll Ruml
Finanicial And Administrative Officer