Fund: Staff Assembly Scholarships Department: Staff Assembly Dept D01198 Purpose: Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support History and Purpose: The purpose of this Staff Assembly shall be to enhance the functioning of the University of California, Riverside, by promoting the interests and welfare of all staff career employees as allowed by law and, in cooperation or coordination with the Office of the Chancellor, to provide support of the mission of the University of California, Riverside. The purpose of UCR Staff Assembly is to promote the interests and well-being of career staff employees.The Staff Assembly are often asked to provide a voice for important issues that affect our workplace and our lives. UCR Staff Assembly is a branch of the Council of University of California Staff Assemblies (CUCSA), which formed in 1974 to improve communications between UC administration and staff and among the staff of the individual campuses. CUCSA presents the staff's perspectives and recommendations on management initiatives. CUCSA has also made presentations to the Regents on budget issues, student fee policies, capital programs and domestic partner benefits. Staff Assembly does not act as a collective-bargaining unit. UCR Staff Assembly holds quarterly meetings. All career staff employees are members and are invited to attend. You are encouraged to run for an Executive Board position or become a member of a standing committee. Elections are held in the spring and terms run through the academic year. The continuing Staff Assembly theme of Building the Future Together reflects the challenge of staying involved, informed and connected as we continue to be one of the fastest growing campuses in the UC system. Scholarships can be used for the following purposes: Personal enrichment, such as degree attainment, expenses or career development, such as certificate programs, conferences, workshops and courses. Personal growth such as exercise classes, self improvement programs and CPR training. Amounts vary from year to year based on the number and amount of requests and fund-raising efforts. The maximum amount is $250 for the career development and $75 for personal growth. Selection and Guidelines: Staff chosen will be required to submit receipts. Applications must be received by March 31. Applications can be filed on line. Enrichment applications are available at Application.php Personal growth applications are available at stigma/ . Request for Information: Cherie Pierce Director of Professional Development