Fund: Education Abroad Programs Fund Department: Education Abroad Dept D01358 Purpose: Graduate or Undergraduate Student Support Purpose eff. 05/23/2019: This fund shall support students enrolled in education abroad. History and Purpose: The Study Abroad Programs Fund supports the University of California's Education Abroad Program (UCEAP), Faculty-led Education Abroad Program (FLEAP), and Opportunities Abroad Program (OAP) through scholarships, pre-departure and returnee programing, emergency funds and other activities as deemed appropriate by the Director, Assistant Director and Program Coordinator of Education Abroad. UCEAP and OAP offer full-year and short-term programs in a wide range of academic disciplines. Most education abroad participants take regular host university courses. In some programs, students study language and take special courses designed for foreign students. In others, they undertake specialized studies in their major, take courses to add breadth to their general education, and conduct research. With careful planning, students should make normal progress toward UC graduation; however, the application of units earned abroad toward major or college requirements depends on UC departmental and college approval. UCEAP and FLEAP students earn UC course credit for the work they complete abroad, while OAP students earn transfer credit for the work they complete abroad. UC Education Abroad Program: UCEAP is the University of California's international study program. Since 1962, UCEAP has been sending students abroad for the challenge and adventure of a lifetime. 4,500+ students travel each year to over 40 countries worldwide to experience academic excellence, cultural enhancement, and personal growth. UCEAP provides access to vast sources of knowledge and exciting field study options in a wide variety of cultural, social, and political environments. Learning with UCEAP provides the skills and awareness necessary for living in a globally interdependent and culturally diverse world. Faculty-led Education Abroad Program: The UCR Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program (FLEAP) offers short-term, UCR faculty-led programs designed to keep students on academic track in an international setting, in which students travel for 4-5 weeks and earn 8 units of UC credit. UCR students are eligible to receive financial aid and additional scholarships. This is an opportunity to learn from world-class UCR faculty and experience the transformation of international learning. Past programs have included Spanish literature in Madrid, History in London, Computer Science in Switzerland, and Classics in Rome. Opportunities Abroad Program: OAP is any type of abroad experience under UCR's Planned Opportunities Abroad Agreements (POAA). POAA provides UCR students access to non-University of California UCEAP study abroad programs, permitting them to study abroad for transfer credit and to use eligible financial aid for direct enrollment or through a third party. It allows students more flexibility in GPA requirements, deadlines, program length, available countries, and universities around the globe because there are so many options. OAP offers the chance to not only study abroad but also to intern, teach and volunteer. Eligibility Requirements: The award selections will be primarily based on academic merit and integration of a selected education abroad program into a student's academic and career goals, as demonstrated in a personal statement. Students must be currently enrolled at UCR. Scholarships will be awarded for the following categories: 1. Students with financial need; 2. Students who demonstrate academic achievement as specified in their program; 3. Students participating in traditionally under-represented countries and/or programs; 4. Students who are sophomore or junior standing during their education abroad program; 5. Under-represented students include those who have transferred to UCR from a California community college or state university, veterans, first-generation college students, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) majors. Selection and Guidelines: Utilized at the discretion of the Director, Assistant Director and Program Coordinator. For students studying for summer, fall, or year-long UCEAP/OAP programs, the deadline to apply is February 1st. Awards will be made by May annually, and award amounts range from $500 to $1,000. For students studying for winter and spring EAP/OAP programs, the deadline to apply is October 1st. Awards will be made by November annually, and award amounts range from $500 to $1,000. For students studying through a Faculty-Led Education Abroad Program (FLEAP) the deadline to apply is the last Friday in May annually. Awards will be made by June annually, and ward amounts range from $500 to $1,000. Request for Information: Request Scholarship Information