
Rube and Sis Unell Honorary Fund in Creative Writing


Creative Writing Dept D01035


Graduate Student Support

History and Purpose:

Rube Unell,1908-1968, of Chicago, was a gag writer for a number of cartoonists whose work appeared in The Saturday Evening Post, Esquire, Laff, The New Yorker, and other publications. He also wrote columns for trade journals. During World War II, Rube co-wrote a radio show called "The Brewster Boy" and wrote stories for Child Life Magazine. Rube was married to Sis Feiman Unell for 33 years; they had two daughters. He spent most of his life in business in Chicago and Los Angeles. He did not attend college. Rube Unell would encourage writers to get as much education as possible and to follow their dreams.

Selection and Guidelines:

For the support of awards for MFA students who exhibit both merit and need in the Creative Writing Program at UCR. To be administered at the direction of the Chair of the Creative Writing Dept.

Request for Information: