Fund: Henry Ramsey, Jr. Revolving Emergency Loan Fund Department: Alumni Engagement Dept D01187 Purpose: Undergraduate Student Support History and Purpose: Henry Ramsey, Jr. ('60) fondly spoke about his experiences as a student. The former prosecutor, private practitioner, law professor, judge and law-school dean has pledged $20,000 to establish The Henry Ramsey, Jr. Revolving Emergency Loan Fund (RELF) designed to help undergraduate students with short-term financial emergencies. Ramsey has a real passion to see financially strapped students succeed. "As a young student, I needed this kind of emergency assistance on an occasion or two," recalled the retired judge. Ramsey received his undergraduate philosophy degree from the University of California, Riverside and his law degree from the University of California, Berkeley School of Law (Boalt Hall) in 1963. His experience as a law-school dean has given him the opportunity to hear different stories, many of which he could easily relate to his own academic career. "When I was a student, I received an emergency loan, and it made the difference in my being able to complete my degree," he said. The loan program allows undergraduate students with financial need to borrow up to $1,000 with no interest. Students have used the loan program to help pay for school fees, textbooks and living expenses. "The school (UCR) did me good," said Ramsey. "I'm happy that I can give back." From 1971 to 1980 Ramsey served as a member of the law faculty at Boalt Hall where he achieved the rank of full professor. During his tenure, he also served as a member of the Berkeley city council from 1973 to 1977. Ramsey served on the superior court of California from 1981 until 1991, and he was a presiding judge in 1987-1988. On May 2, Ramsey was honored with Boalt's Citation Award, the highest honor recognizing exceptional achievement by a graduate who has distinguished himself in the legal profession and has thereby brought renown to the law school. Ramsey was dean of Howard University School of Law from 1991 until 1996. He has served as chairperson of the American Bar Association section of legal education and admissions to the bar, is a life member of the American Law Institute and was the recipient of the 2000 Robert J. Kutak Award for promoting understanding between legal education and the active practice of law. Ramsey has also served as chairperson of the Law School Admission Council's bar passage study committee, a member of the National Commission on Trial Court Performance Standards, Chief of Party of the USAID funded Nigerian Rule of Law Project (2002), a member of the ABA Commission on Evaluation of the Rules of Professional Conduct (Ethics 2000), and is currently a member of the ABA's Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility. Judge Ramsey passed away on March 14, 2014. Selection and Guidelines: The Henry Ramsey, Jr. Revolving Emergency Loan Fund (RELF) is designed to help undergraduate students with short-term financial emergencies. Applicants must be eligible to receive need-based financial aid, enrolled in a minimum of 12 units, be in good academic standing with a current GPA of 2.0 or above, and have no HOLD on student record. Loan applications are available in the Alumni Engagement office, 2203 Alumni & Visitors Center Building or you may also click here to complete the application, and then return to the Alumni Engagement office. Documentation indicating purpose of loan as well as repayment source must be submitted with application. Request for Information: Request Scholarship Information